Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Act Statement (for financial year July 2024/June 2025)

Definition: What is Modern Slavery?

Modern Slavery is a term used to encapsulate both offences in the Modern Slavery Act: slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour; and human trafficking. Both have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another, in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

Company Statement

Daniel Owen Ltd (incorporating subsidiary GSC Executives Ltd) is a recruitment business providing temporary, long term and permanent workers and contractors to the construction, property services and rail markets. 

Our supply chain consists of suppliers who provide goods and services to the Company, as well as those who are involved in the services we provide to our candidates and clients. Daniel Owen operates both as an employment business and a recruitment agency. This means we engage workers on assignments at clients sites and also place permanent employees within our clients’ organisations.

We engage temporary workers via a contract for services via the following methods:-

  • Paid directly via our in house payroll
  • Paid through a limited list of approved intermediaries, via either an umbrella or self employed contract.
  • Paid via the temporary workers personal service company

The intermediary companies we use are considered high risk suppliers and to significantly reduce this risk, Daniel Owen Ltd limits its use of third-party suppliers and has an approved list of suppliers which is frequently reviewed through or with oversight from the Senior Leadership team. We use third-party auditors to carry out independent due diligence on our labour supply chain; our dedicated Compliance team carries out rigorous worker vetting procedures and the audit and monitoring of worker records. The Company recognises that job-finding fees are a business cost and will not allow these to be paid by job applicants.

Daniel Owen Ltd operates a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is fully committed to mitigating risk to the best of its ability and acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships. We refuse to work with any supplier organisation that has been found to have knowingly been involved in slavery or human trafficking.

Daniel Owen Ltd places a strong emphasis on its worker relationships and candidate care, going to extensive measures to ensure that face-to-face contact is made with workers to enable any concerns or issues to be discussed. It takes pro-active steps to ensure its workers are not being exploited; that they are safe and that the relevant legislation relating to wage, human rights and international standards are adhered to, including freedom of movement and communications.

Daniel Owen Ltd is a registered Business Partner of Stronger Together, a multi-stakeholder business-led initiative aiming to reduce modern slavery, and a signatory to the GLAA (Gangmaster and Labour Abuse Authority) Construction Protocol, a joint information sharing agreement between construction businesses, aimed at eradicating slavery and labour exploitation in the building industry. 

Whilst workers’ health and safety, working hours and welfare at work remains the responsibility of the hiring client whilst on site or at work, Daniel Owen Ltd recognises its duty to act on any concerns raised by the worker and ensures that all employees receive training on reporting any issues that may be raised with them in this respect. 

Please refer to our Modern Slavery Act Policy for full details. 

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (Part 6) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It has been approved by Daniel Owen Ltd’s Board of Directors on 17th July 2024. 



Name:               Suzanne Jellyman
Position:           Finance Director
Date:                 18th July 2024

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Modern Slavery

If you feel you're being exploited or a victim of forced labour, please contact Stronger Together on our multilingual page.

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We welcome contact from both workers seeking reliable work that always Pays on time as well as clients seeking an experienced workforce and an agency that looks after all the compliance, payment, and right-to-work checks.

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