Case Study
Upskilling our candidates
Making the best candidates even better
The Client
The UK construction division of a global infrastructure services group.
The Issue
• A client that we have done a great deal of business with approached us with a requirement for five specifically skilled and qualified Site Managers at short notice.
• As well as having specialist experience and the relevant competency cards, the managers were required to complete asbestos and fire marshal training.
• There were few suitable candidates in the local area.
The Solution
• We supplied five skilled and qualified Site Managers within two weeks. Some had worked with us before, so we already knew they were right for the job. We identified the others through our networks, then met them and checked their qualifications and references to make sure they were the best candidates we could find.
• We arranged for all the managers to take an online asbestos awareness course as soon as they started on site.
• We also ran a half-day fire marshal training course for the new managers, and anyone else involved in the project who wanted to attend.
• To minimise disruption to the project, we held the course on-site on a Saturday morning.
• We organised and paid for both courses ourselves – there was no cost to the client or candidates.
The Result
The client had the skilled and qualified Site Managers they needed, at the right time and at no extra cost.
“We worked in partnership with the client to save them time and money, upskilling the staff to make sure they were compliant and perfectly suited for the projects.”
Hannah Smith, Regional Director