How can you have more than one ‘Worker of the Month’?
12 Jul, 20213 MinutesIn addition to our loyalty scheme, we like to give recognition and rewards every month via o...

In addition to our loyalty scheme, we like to give recognition and rewards every month via our ‘Worker of the Month’ scheme. You may have already seen a lot of these across social media, but perhaps you wondered how we could have so many in a single month?
Well, since setting up our worker of the month scheme the business has continued to grow, with new teams established to collaborate more reliably with our workers.
So, with all these regional & sector-specific teams, we allow each of them to nominate their own Worker of the Month to receive rewards and recognition – so far that’s about 12 a month!
What’s more, it's going to keep increasing! It’s important to us that each team can recognise those they work with closely, as they know first-hand who’s constantly above and beyond the call.
So, here’s to more certificates and giveaways as we look to recognise you further – and keep an eye out on how many days you’ve worked as well, as you’re also entitled to our loyalty gifts.
Last of all, if you feel we could do even better, we absolutely invite you to get in touch. Just send an email to the below with your suggestions:
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0345 810 1020